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Interested in refrigerated transportation services between Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne?
Reach out to us — we're here to assist and provide a quote tailored to your needs.

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Canberra Depot

16 Raws Crescent Hume ACT 2620 (

Enquires – Giuseppe Iannelli (Canberra DC Manager)
0408 235 301

Sydney Depot

N Block Warehouse 1 – Sydney Flemington Markets 250 – 318 Parramatta Road Homebush West NSW 2140 (

Enquires – Micheal Kennedy (Sydney DC Manager)
0457 773 017

Melbourne Depot

Unit 4 Warehouse 6 Badalya Road Epping VIC 3076 (

Enquires – Soulieman Elsamad (Melbourne DC Manager)
0436 111 777

Brisbane Depot

Building P Unit P-01 – Brisbane Markets -  385 Sherwood Road Rocklea QLD 4106. (

Enquires –Maziar Barzegari Khaneghah (Brisbane DC Manager)
0477 143 690



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